1. Get Redirect URL

To set up the authentication for Twinfield Administration, use the Set Twinfield Credentials button on the Administration layout.

When you open the popup make sure to copy the Redirect URL (bottom field)


2. Create a Developer Account with Twinfield

Create a developer account on https://developers.twinfield.com/ . After you have done this and logged in you would see an menu-item called clients. Press new to create a new client/secret combination.

In the Redirect url you have to put the url that you copied. Make sure you copy the Client ID and the Client Secret!


Copy the values into the the Set Twinfield Credentials popup and press Update Credentials.


3. Create remote site settings

As described on this page: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.configuring_remoteproxy.htm&language=en_US&type=5

Create two remote site settings for:

4. Start Authorization

Go back to the Administration and open the Set Twinfield Credentials popup. After you’ve done this you should press the Start authorization flow button. You are redirected to a page, which should tell you the remote site settings are created. Press the Authorize button. You will need to login with your Twinfield credentials and are redirected to the confirmation page back in GoMeddo Subscription management. After that you can press the “complete” button.


5. Finalize

Make sure to fill the following fields with the relevant id’s. All of these ids are found in Twinfield
