GoMeddo Subscription Management’s Findock integration supports three use-cases:


The FinDock connector automatically creates “installments” in FinDock when an Invoice is created. To support this we need to combine information between both GoMeddo Subscription Management and FinDock, which data is specified in the next chapter.

The payment status and amount due are reflected on the GoMeddo Subscription Management Invoice record via formula fields.


To use this connector you need to reach out to info@gomeddo.com. The team will provide you with an installation link that you can use to install the connector. This connector relies on the following minimum versions of the packages:

After you’ve installed the package you need to add some permissions and fields to page layouts. The following fields need permissions and need to be added to the page layouts you are using:


We want to make sure that any invoices can be paid, creating payment links makes it easier for you customers to pay invoices. The payment link can be shared by your agents or put in an email or on an invoice template.

A Pay Link will be automatically created after an invoice is “FINALIZED” in the system. This triggers the creation of an Installment. The pay-link can be used to be displayed on an invoice or send to the customer directly and allows the customer to make an online payment via the payment methods you enabled.



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Automatically collect your invoices via Direct Debit

If a customer is using Direct Debits as their payment method in GoMeddo Subscription Management their payment profile and mandate (stored in Findock) are copied from the GoMeddo Subscription Management Debtor Number object to the Invoice Object.

This data is also stored on the Installment in Findock. And uses in their normal Direct Debit flow.


Automatically match incoming wire transfer against your invoices

With the Guided Matching functionality of Findock you are able to match the payments on your bank account to the invoices of GoMeddo Subscription Management.