This feature is only available on Lightning calendars. VisualForce calendars support a similar (but more limited) feature: Apply custom price calculations

A simpler but less powerful feature (launch a flow when the reservation form opens) is supported on both calendars: Run a Flow when creating a new Reservation

GoMeddo allows you to hook in to the logic behind the reservation form, giving you a lot of freedom to customize its behavior.

This article will give you a high level overview of the feature. For a deeper dive into this topic, check out these other articles:

High Level Overview

At a high level, this is what happens when you provide your own customization:

  1. You create a class that has a special method ‘customize’.

  2. In the customize method, you add your own handlers for specific events coming from the form.

  3. When something happens on the form, your handlers will be executed.

  4. In your handlers, you can run your own logic and manipulate the form.

Event Handlers

Things your event handlers can respond to (we intend to add a few more in the near future):

Things you can do in your event handlers to modify the form are very similar to the above list:

Search Handlers

There is also a special type of handler relating to searches. These allow you to respond to the following things:

Things you can do in a search handler: